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Friday, January 30, 2009

A "Black" Chairman of the RNC

Finally we have a black man who is the Chairman of the Republican National Committee!

It is Mike Steele, the former Lieutenant Governor of Maryland. He wrote a book called "Stupid Black Men." I highly recommend this book.

With a black man at the head of the Republican Party it shows that only 99 percent of black people voted for Barack Obama instead of 100 percent (maybe I exagerated that a tiny bit). Seriously folks! I live near a very loud and spirited black Baptist Church. On inauguration day they rocked out, sang, and cried with tears of joy for Barack Obama. I'll say it here in this Blog: They were overcome with emotion because Obama is black (he's actually half black). Everyone knows that's the reason, even they know it. Too many people are afraid to admit that. If they actually STUDIED the issues, I think perhaps that the black vote would've been split down the middle at about 50 percent.

Obama's issues: Free terrorists by closing Guantanamo Bay (terrorists all over the world are praising Allah right now!). Close friends with terrorists like William Aires and Reverend Wright. Retreat in Iraq. The strong promotion of baby killing (abortion), even late term. Spreading the wealth around through outright socialism. Higher taxes. Etc., etc., etc.

Nobody gets emotional and overjoyed for any of those things! I don't care whatever else Obama did that may have been good. What do liberals do when facts are presented to them? Do they just close their eyes, cover their ears, and yell LA! LA! LA! LA! LA! like a little kid???

Citizens of America: We need to elect good people NO MATTER WHAT COLOR THEY MAY BE. I would have been happy for Obama were it not for the aformentioned issues. This is why I am very pleased with the nomination of Mike Steele. Google his name and find out all you can about him. He is a good man.

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