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Monday, February 2, 2009

Proposition 8 in California and the LDS Church

Even though Proposition 8 defining a marriage only between a man and a woman already passed way back in November, it seems that crazy liberals simply have not stopped crying about the whole thing.

It looks like they are really bashing the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. This Church (aka the Mormon Church) has a very strong conservative view regarding family values. Anything that has anything to do with homosexuality, the Church is against. Of course, as it is with ANY religion in the U.S., they have the right to believe what they want, and to promote what they want.

Anyway, the people voted, gay marriage is illegal in California, and that should've been the end of it. BUT NO! The crazy liberals had to throw a massive temper tantrum!! (as they always do when they don't get their way). I guess the rule of law as it applies to civil elections is only valid when things go their way. It must be fun being a crazy liberal. You just have to be a loud mouth cry baby when you don't get your way. My three year old niece acts the EXACT same way when she doesn't get her way.

I guess they're upset at the LDS Church because they gave a lot of money to the cause of promoting this amendment. It is being made public that they gave (as a Church) a little over $100,000.00. Individual donations from members totaled about $20,000,000.00. What the crazy liberals need to know is that the LDS Church was one of MANY religious and private donors to this cause. The Catholic Church (for example) shares the same exact values as the LDS Church when it comes to family issues, and there are many more Catholics than Mormons. And who cares if the Church gave $100,000,000! It is their right to spend their money how they wish! It sounds like they're also upset that they couldn't get that much money themselves. I don't see how they couldn't. Don't these crazy liberals have George Soros, Ariana Huffington, and all the other wealthy Hollywood celebutards?? What about them? Were they just too cheap to donate to something they say they believe in?

It seems to me that this outcry agaisnt the Church is about more than just Prop 8. The LDS Church is extremely conservative on pretty much every issue you can think of. It is very difficult to be a liberal and to be a member of this Church (I have no idea how Senator Harry Reed does it). It looks like this is a great way for crazy liberals to lash out agaisnt an organization that they may have already hated for years.

Crazy liberals lost this one. They need to stop crying! Do we need some pacifiers?

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