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Monday, February 16, 2009

Buyers Remorse

Well, it looks like it's here....the biggest liberal money grab in history. Last week Obama came out and said, "Government is the answer." Yep, spoken like a true communist! Hugo Chavez and his other communist buddies must be so proud.

Obama's near total lack of leadership experience is starting to show. His paper thin resume was laughable on the campaign, and now it's downright frightening how much worse he can make our economy with this new socialism. (Liberals just covered their ears on the campaign trail when the facts showed that Sarah Palin had more executive experience than Obama!)

I've said it before and I'll say it again, this is the worst economy since the Carter Administation, and not the Great Depression. If liberals say otherwise, they're either really ignorant or they're using a scare tactic.

Now the tax & spend crazy liberals are finally running free in DC!! Crazy liberals will learn really quick that voting for a President just because he's black was not a smart thing to do at all. It's impossible to convince liberals that throwing money at a problem is extremely short term and cannot permanently fix anything. We need the government to not take so much away from people, in other words, tax cuts!

For crazy liberals, life simply isn't fair. They have no idea how to make more money or to become rich so they spend all their energy tearing down the lifestyles of those who've actually made it. And the rich Democratic leaders? They're holding on to a power base. Hey, don't kid yourselves....these hacks need "victims" and "angry people" to vote for them!

Simple fact: Rich people spend a lot of money and create a lot of jobs. Tax them more just because their rich, and you see spending in a community drop and jobs start to dwindle. Having tax cuts for making money is a GREAT incentive for trying to achieve even more (hey crazy liberals, go look up that word, incentive). Liberals simply hate rich people, well they're about to experience buyers remorse when everything they thought would happen....doesn't.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with you! I must share this quote from a crazy liberal (I was defending Palin and this was the reply).
    "I know... lazy, promiscuous people are messing up this country. They should all be taken out and shot. Specially the illegal ones. In fact, it shouldn't even be illegal to shoot them. I hate supporting other people with my taxes. I think they should all be forced to live in an ever expanding ghetto, with no medical services whatsoever. Look... if God wants you to die, or be sick, who are we to intervene? I don't like any social services at all, roads, construction of bridges etc. I bet more lazy dirty people use them than clean All American Patriots like us. In fact... screw taxes altogether, it's every man for himself (and his wife and family of course – single mothers, you're on your own). That way we can cut government down to a manageable size and fund important things like killing people in other countries, and stopping gays from doing anything legally, and any money we have left over we can give to the CEOs of major corporations, because they, after all, are the backbone of this great nation and deserve all the money that they work so hard to deprive us of. (sorry to end that sentence with a preposition!)"
    I just left this one alone, oviously this person was looking to just insult anyone who disagreed with them.
