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Thursday, February 12, 2009

Rich people are the enemy

Boy there's so much subject matter in the political world I could write about, but one thing stuck out today that I'd like to bring up.

An article on the Reuters website talks about a meeting between Congressman Brad Sherman (d) California, and auto company executives in Washington D.C.

According to the article The Congressman asked the Executives if they would be willing to give up and sell their private jets, the very ones they used to fly into Washington. No one raised their hands.

Now I understand why crazy liberals would want "rich" executives to give up their expensive "toys." To crazy liberals this is all 'feel good' stuff. Rich people are always the enemy to these crazy liberals.

Here's what I see....

Thousands of people are employed building and assembling these airplanes. Hundreds of people are employed servicing, maintaining, and piloting these airplanes. There are landing and take-off fees every time these planes come and go from airports. These airports, many of which do most of their business with private jets, use that income to pay the airport employees. What it comes down to is that there are A LOT of "little guys" that are employed and feed their families of this one industry. There would be thousands hurt and out of work if this Congressman gets his way.

Congressman Brad Sherman is being extremely irresponsible by trying to satisfy his crazy liberal friends in California. It just goes to show that liberalism is based mostly on emotion and feelings rather than actually working with economic facts.

Here is a link to the article:

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