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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

People will believe anything. Part II

I should have known! If Obama's top economic guy says it, then it comes from Obama himself. Yesterday's entry makes mention that crazy liberals think we're in the worst depression since the Great Depression. Well after watching last night's news conference that Obama held, I can see that crazy liberals are only repeating what Obama actually says.

As I said yesterday....yes we are in a depression, but it is NOTHING like the Great Depression. Last night Obama kept referencing "Elkhart Indiana" as having 15% unemployment (or did he say 14%? somebody correct me). Back in the days of the actual Great Depression unemployment regularly ran at about 25%, and this went on for years.

TRUTH: This is the worst economic situation since the Carter Administration. Look up the numbers, it's not hard to do.

Better than 90% of President Bush's term saw steady economic growth. Then the housing and mortgage lending industries started teetering, and who ran the Senate and Congressional Banking Committees?? None other than Chris Dodd and and that cartoon character Barney Frank. These guys are hacks and cowards. They are too chicken to publicly admit that their leadership roles have failed the American people. Crazy liberals want to point fingers at Bush when Bush promoted policies that promoted growth. All the while Dodd and Frank ran their Tammany Hall banking committee benefiting themselves and their buddies. Oh and did anyone else know that the second biggest person to profit from the Countrywide Mortgage fiasco was none other than Barack Obama???

The democrats ruined the economy and Barack Obama's big swirly eyes (you know, like in Jungle book!) had everyone believing that it was Bush's fault. Yes, people will believe anything.

Chris Dodd should be sent to a hard labor work camp to pay back the American people and Barney Frank should be sent to a freak show where he can earn some cash to pay us back too! Hey crazy liberals, do you think I'm kidding about Barney Frank and a freak show?? Just watch this guy talk for five minutes. I myself can't last more than five minutes before I start laughing so hard I pee my pants!!!

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